Step One: Anamnese

On our first appointment we do the deep dive into your history. Beforehand you fill out our questionaire(beforehand done online and sent to us). The deep dive helps us to find the stressors that hinder your nervous system to function properly. With those information we are able to work out the plan to help your system regulate from fight or flight into growth, relaxation and healing. We set up clear goals that we follow.

Step Two: Neurological Scans/ iNsight Scans

This step is doing the deep dive into the function of your central nervous system using the INSiGHT Scans. They consist of three individual scans that will find, measure and quantify how much stress and tension may be stuck in your autonomic nervous system.

The measurement consists of 3 parts and is briefly explained here:

HRV (Heart-Rate Variability)
The Heart-Rate-Variability measures the adaptive reserve for stress in the autonomic nervous system. It shows the status and relationship of our sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of our autonomic nervous system.

Infraredsensors measure the skin temperature over the spine. Differences are compared to a control group of we’ll adjusted people. The scan shows the function of the sympathetic part of the nervous system and the control of glands, organs and vessels.

NeuroSpinal EMG Scan 
The EMG measures the muscular activity in the spinal musculature. With the difference in muscle tone along the spine we can analyse patterns and adjust our adjusting protocol the the individual needs.

Step Three: Report of Findings and Careplan

In this appointment the scans are explained. The correlations of you and your scans are put into perspective. With this information your care plan is put together and laid out customised to your needs.

Regular Appointments

For the adjusting appointments you should plan for 5-10 Minutes. We know how valuable your time is and try to operate in a reasonable timetable. With all the information and prepwork of all previous appointments we see what is the best adjustment for you that day.

Usually our careplans start very intensive multiple times a week for 1-4 months until we are able to change into a maintenance/wellness phase. Just like the workouts in a gym our work is based of off the work of the previous appointment. The goal is clear to raise your function of your nervous system to a more efficient level.

There are 4 healing types


Rocket - Type 1
You show fast results. Your system takes more time for deeper change.  


Stairclimber-Type 2
You feel small steps with times of stillstand. Repetion is the key.


Detoxer - Type 3
Everything gets worse while your body goes through detoxification. After your body heals better than ever.



Dormant - Type 4
It takes a long time before you feel a change. The scans show your improvement until your system wakes up from hibernation.

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